Conch shell trumpet (puhu-puhu)

Puhu puhu is a conch-shell trumpet, played by blowing into a hole made between the mouth piece and the pointed end of the shell.

Puhu-puhu is played by holding the shell horizontally and blowing into the blow hole. Puhu-puhu is played by holding the shell horizontally and blowing into the blow hole. Traditionally, puhu-puhu could only be played by people who have authority granted by local leaders to play the instrument. It is used to call people to gather for village meetings and to announce events. Sailors also use puhu-puhu to call the wind into their sails to aid their travels.

Photo: Mario dos Santos playing puhu-puhu in aldeia Loho Loho Matu, in sub-district Lautem

Video: Mario does Santos playing puhu-puhu.
Puhu puhu adalah terompet kulit kerang yang dimainkan dengan cara meniup lubang di antara corong dan ujung runcing kulit kerang.

Puhu-puhu dimainkan dengan cara memegang kulit kerang secara horizontal dan meniup lubang. Berdasarkan tradisi, puhu-puhu hanya dapat dimainkan dengan kewenangan yang diberikan oleh pemimpin lokal untuk memainkan instrumen tersebut. Biasanya digunakan untuk memanggil masyarakat untuk berkumpul, serta untuk mengumumkan acara. Para pelaut juga menggunakan puhu-puhu untuk memanggil angin ke layar agar dapat membantu perjalanan.

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