Avo Portrait and Stories exhibition: 18 July-17 August 2017

Young people from Lospalos, Cacavei and Leuro will share stories they have collected and portraits they have painted of their grandparents in a special Many Hands International (MHI) community project. 

Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9-12 noon, 2-5.30 pm and other times by arrangement with MHI staff (details below).

Exhibition launch  
Tuesday 18 July 2017, 11:00-12:00pm
The Lautem Cultural Centre, Rua Malu Korea, Lospalos, Timor Leste.

We invite you to join us in celebrating young people's  creative achievements while learning more about the older generation of Lautem.
We also invite you to come and learn about MHI's programs and projects at the Lautem Cultural Centre.

For more information please contact Nelinha Periera.
T: +670 7797661 E: admin@manyhands.org.au


Ami Konvida Ita Bo'ot Hodi mai partisipa iha Lansanmentu no abertura exebisaun "Retratu Avo"

Labarik sira husi Lospalos, Cacavei no Leuro partisipa tiha ona iha aktividade arte special ida no aprende pinta sira nia avo nia oin. Ho ida ne'e ami hakarak konivida ita bo'ot sira hodi mai selebra hamutuk sira nia rejultadu kreativu ne'e no atu hatene liu tan kona ba aktividade ida ne'e no mos Many Hands nia aktividade sira seluk iha Centro Cultura Lautem.

Data: Tersu-feira 18 de Julho de 2017
Horas: 11:00am-12:00pm
Fatin: Centro Cultura Lautem, Lospalos, Timor Leste.

Presija informasaun liu tan favour ida kontaktu ba Nelinha Periera. T: +670 7797661 E: admin@manyhands.org.au

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