MH staff present at the Timor Leste Studies Association Conference, June 2017

MHI is pleased and proud to have our staff presenting findings of three of our research projects at the Timor Leste Studies Association conference in Dili, 29-30 June 2017: 

-Arts Participation Officer Cesario Lourdes on our project of intergenertional connection, researching stories and creating portraits of grandparents: Projetu Pintatura Avó: Haforsa Ligasaun Entre Jerasaun Foun no Jerasaun Tuan Liu Husi Projetu Arte Kriativu

-Health Promotion Officer Thomas Lopes on our work to support the development the Alliance for Tobacco Prevention Timor-Leste:  Alliansa Ida Atu Hasa’e Kapasidade Promosaun Saude Komunitaria hodi Hamenus Uja Tabaku iha Timor-Leste

-and Research and Special Projects Officer Ildefonso da Silva on our research project connecting ancient rock art with contemporaty cultural practices: Rezultadu husi Projetu Peskiza mak Dokumenta Kostume Kultura ne'ebé Relasiona ho Fatin Arte Fatuk Sira iha Tutuala.

Find out more about the conference here and conference abstracts here

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