Special events: exhibition and web resource launch, Lospalos, July.


  • Cultura na Dame: exhibition launch
  • Web resource launch flyer Tetun
  • Web resource launch flyer English

Two special events are being held this week in Lospalos. On Friday 15 July at 3 pm, the Centro Cultura Lautem will host two launches: a web resource on Fataluku culture  and an art exhibition by students of Many Hands' Youth Arts Program. 

The launch marks the completion of the first stage of a research project to document endangered forms of cultural expression of the Fataluku people. Over a year, our team of local researchers visited Fataluku communities throughout the Administrative Posts of Lospalos, Lautem and Tutuala, recording more than thirty elements of intangible cultural heritage in text, videos and photos. This information was analysed, translated and uploaded to our website and is now freely available in English and Fataluku, presented in sections: performing arts, oral traditions and expressions, social practices, rituals and festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe, traditioanl craftsmanship. Future stages will include ongoing collection and analysis of cultural information, and provision of the material in Tetun and Indonesian. It is hoped that the material will eventually be displayed in the museum planned for the Centro Cultura Lautem.

Many Hands International acknowledges the welcome support of the US Ambassadors’ Fund for Cultural Preservation, Deakin University and the support of the University of Melbourne for this stage of this project.

This event wil be complemented by the launch of the exhibition, Kultura no Dame, featuring artworks by students of Many Hands' Youth Arts program led by accomplished local artist Cesario Lourdes.  An installation created by young artists, as part of artist-in-residence Yumi Umiumare's Pop-Up Tearoom series, will also be part of the celebrations on the day.

Many Hands International halao peskiza konaba kultura Fataluku ne’ebe ameasandu atu lakon durante tinan ida nia laran iha Postu Administrativu 3, Lospalos, Lautem no Tutuala. Informasaun sira ne’ebe ekipa peskizadores sira rekolla tuir planu sei rai iha Centro Cultura Lautem hodi nune’e ema hotu bele asesu. Iha informasaun ne’ebe hakerek ho liman, iha fotografias no mos filme sira. Hosi estudu ne’e identifica tiha ona elementus Kultura Fataluku liu tolunulu.

Informasaun hirak ne’e analiza tiha ona no tradus tiha ona no mos hatama tiha ona iha website (Site da Internet). Informasaun sira ne’ebe rekolla tiha ona, agora dadauk ne’e bele asesu ho gratuitu iha lian Ingles no Fataluku, aprezenta ho tipu: instrument musikal, kantiku, historia, matenek tradisional no homan inklui mos sanan rai soru tais no mos ekipamentus sira. Iha futuru sei inklui mos informasaun sira ne’ebe agora dadauk sei kontinua rekolla hela no analiza informasaun kultura no mos sei fornese informasaun sira ne’e iha lian Tetum no mos Indonezia. Espera katak material sira ne’e ikus mai bele hatudu iha museum ne’ebe tuir planu sei loke iha Centru Cultura Lautem.

 Many Hands International agredese ba US Ambassadors’ Fund for Cultural Preservation, Deakin University no Kim Dunphy hodi suporta ba pasu primeru projectu ida ne’e.


Visit Centro Cultura Lautem, Rua Malu Korea, Lospalos Central. Open weekdays 8.30-5.30 and other times by appointment.
Ph: +670 7799 7661, admin@manyhands.org.au.

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