Wednesday 07/11/12

This television show, Preserving Timor's Ancient Tales, presents the story of Our Culture: Many Different Stories, a community theatre production hosted by MHI in Lospalos in February 2012. The performance was the first ever of its kind for the town. It was led by accomplished Australian theatre director Catherine Simmonds as the final event in her recent Asialink residency with MHI in Timor-Leste. The cast of 48 Lospalos locals included lia nain (cultural leaders), vaihoho (traditional a cappella) singers, theatre group members and local weavers.

Listen the fascinating story of its development and production. The program features interviews with Director Catherine, her 11 year old son Luca who acted as project camera man, Project Co-ordinator Kim Dunphy and Lospalos community member Celes Soares, who combined his roles as Director’s Assistant and interpreter with that of lead dancer and actor.

Preserving Timor's Ancient Tales has been shown on ABC 1 and ABC 3 and you can watch it right now on:

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