Supporting the Timor-Leste Association for the Profession of Psychology

In another collaboration with Deakin University, MHI has been contributing to an ongoing resource for health professionals in Timor-Leste, by supporting the Timor-Leste Association for the Profession of Psychology.  Professionals from Timor with interests in psychology and related human service work have had the opportunity to attend annual seminars and supervision sessions on topics they identified as being of high importance. 


2015: Social and emotional skills: how to reduce stress and conflict and increase happiness: 
workshop followed by two supervision sessions.  


Professor John Toumbourou, Chair in Health Psychology, School of Psychology, Deakin University, Australia. 

Drs. Ruth and John Rudge, psychologists, Southern Cross Psychology, Darwin/Melbourne, Australia.

Workshop powerpoint and notes.  Flyers: workshop Tetun / English; supervision sessions Tetun / English.


2014: Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention.


Teoria: Resolusaun konflitu no prevensaun violencia:  Theory: Conflict management and violence preventionProfessor John Toumbourou, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

PraktikaResolusaun konflitu no prevensaun violencia:  Practice: Conflict management and violence prevention,  Informasaun:  Tetun / English, Drs Ruth and John Rudge.

Powerpoint: Stratejia baze-isin hodi hatun konfliktu: Body-based approaches to reducing conflict ,  Dr. Kim Dunphy, dance movement therapist.

Violence Prevention: the evidence, resources from the World Health Organisation used on the day, are available here


2013:  Stress Management.


Techniques for managing stress in the workplace and at home, Teknika hodi maneja stress iha servisu fatin mos iha uma, Professor John Toumbourou, Chair in Psychology, School of Psychology, Deakin University Australia, Executive Member of the Asian Psychological Association; 

Dealing with stress, Drs. Ruth and John Rudge, Clinical Psychologists, Southern Cross Psychology, Darwin, NT. Ruth and John work in remote communities in Northern Australia providing culturally appropriate psychology services.

Dr. Kim Dunphy: Director of Many Hands International, an Australian based NGO that promotes cultural assets based community development in Timor-Leste and a qualified dance-movement therapist who co-ordinates the Diploma in Dance Movement Therapy at Phoenix Institute, Melbourne, Australia


2012: Non-Violent Discipline.


Effective non-violent discipline strategies for our children and students: Developing effective psychological approaches in Timor Leste.  
Estratéjia disiplina naun-violentu ne’ebé efikás ba ita-nia labarik sira no alunu sira: dezenvolve aproximasaun psikololojia ne’ebé efikás iha Timor-Leste,
Professor John Toumbourou, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.

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